Private Job Finding/Search Government Help Websites and Portals
The government of India and almost all State Governments are facing the problem of unemployment. To overcome the joblessness of the youth of the country, governments are trying their best to resolve the issue. Several measures are being taken like spreading awareness, organising jobs fairs, inviting industry to set up their businesses in the state etc.
One of the steps being taken is to create a government job-finding websites and portals in the state so that the youth of the state can find various government contract jobs or jobs available in the private sector in one single place.
Almost all governments, be it Central (Union) government, State governments or Union Territories (UT), have created web job portals to provide help in finding suitable jobs in Private sector for unemployed job seekers or to help them to upgrade their jobs.
As you may be aware that for Government Jobs the governments portals for Public Service Commissions, Staff Selection Commission, Subordinate Staff Selection Boards (SSB) are working and providing regular government jobs through their web portals respectively. But the problem is that the number of government jobs are very less in comparison to the the number of youth unemployed. Therefore, the governments have created the private job finding help websites other than the regular government job portals.
Let us see what are some of the job finding government websites available.
National Career Service (NCS) Portal
The Directorate of Employment of the Ministry of Labour & Employment (MoLE), Government of India has developed a web portal named ‘National Career Service’ as a platform for both job providers and job seekers. The portal is available at https://ncs.gov.in. Job seekers can register on this portal to get their desired jobs. The NCS portal also provides career counseling and career guidance in a big way.
Job fairs are also being organised by NCS throughout the country where prospective employers and job seekers meet and suitable job seekers get jobs. A countrywide database of employers and job seekers is maintained on the NCS portal.
The Directorate of Employment, Government of NCT of Delhi has created a web portal named ‘Rojgaar Bazar’ as a platform where both job providers and job seekers are available. The portal is available at https://jobs.delhi.gov.in. Job seekers can register on this portal to get their desired jobs.
Directorate of Employment, Government of NCT of Delhi also runs its Employment Portal for registration of Job Seekers https://onlineemploymentportal.delhi.gov.in.
Haryana state government has created an organisation called Haryana Kaushal Rojgar Nigam Limited (HKRNL) as a new platform for getting jobs. This portal is available at https://hkrnl.itiharyana.gov.in. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
Details about Skill Development, Job Fairs, Haryana CET and other Career Information are available on the website.
Candidates who were in contract jobs in Haryana state department/ organisation/corporations/ boards/ universities and other institutes can apply for available jobs.
Jammu and Kashmir
A separate portal is also created for rural youth under the scheme ‘Jammu and Kashmir Rural Employment Generation Programme’ at http://www.jkkvib.org.in.
To harness and develop entrepreneurial skills among the rural unemployed youth of the state. To mobilize the bank finance for the establishment of the Village Industries sector of the state on modern lines. To generate employment opportunities in rural areas of the state through setting up of new self-employment ventures/projects/village industries enterprises. To increase the wage earning capacity of artisans/workers and contribute to increasing the growth rate of rural employment.
Uttar Pradesh
👉 The Employment Department (Sewayojan) of the Uttar Pradesh Government has also created a web portal named ‘Rojgaar Sangam’ as a new platform for providing help to unemployed job seekers in getting jobs. This portal is available at https://sewayojan.up.nic.in. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
The website has various facilities for the job seekers like Online Registration Anywhere Anytime for Employers and Job seekers both, availability of government jobs on the portal, Job Notification via Email, Search Jobs through using filter category, Place, Department And Salary etc.
👉 To provide employment to the Skilled work forces (Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber, Pinter, Taxi Services etc.) and to take their services in the daily usage in Uttar Pradesh Government offices, an organisation named ‘Sewa Mitra Samiti, UP, Lucknow’ has been registered as a Society and it has developed a dedicated portal https://Sewamitra.up.gov.in with a toll-free call centre number 155330.
All requirements for skilled manpower in UP Government departments will be filled through this Sewa Mitra Portal only.
All those skilled persons, looking for work, please register at the Sewamitra Portal of UP Government.
The Employment Department (Sewayojan) of the Punjab Government has also created a web portal named ‘Punjab Ghar Ghar Rojgaar Sangam’ as a new platform for providing help to unemployed job seekers in getting jobs. This portal is available at http://www.pgrkam.com. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
The website has various facilities for the job seekers like Online Registration Anywhere Anytime for Employers and Jobseekers both, availability of government jobs on the portal, Job Notification via Email, Search Jobs through using filter category, Place, Department And Salary etc.
Himachal Pradesh
The Labour & Employment Department of the Himachal Pradesh Government has also created a web portal at http://eemis.hp.nic.in. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
The website has various facilities for the job seekers like Online Registration Anywhere Anytime for Employers and Jobseekers both, availability of government jobs on the portal, Job Notification via Email, Search Jobs through using filter category, Place, Department And Salary etc.
The Directorate of Skill Development & Employment, Uttarakhand Government has also created a web portal for providing help to the unemployed job seekers in getting jobs. This portal is available at https://rojgar.uk.gov.in. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
Skill Development & Employment Department’s Employment Service is the E-Governance Initiative taken by the Government of Uttarakhand to provide appropriate employment opportunity to the unemployed youth in the state of Uttarakhand. Job seekers register themselves with these Employment Exchanges and get notified as soon as any vacancy in the Government or private sector matches their desired profile. It also provides the facility to different organizations to register their need for man power and find suitable candidates as per their requirements.
Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Government is very straight forward in creating a dedicated ‘Tamil Nadu Private Job Portal’ for job seekers of the Tamil nadu state. The Department of Employment and Training of Tamil Nadu Government has established this portal to help the unemployed job seekers in getting jobs. This portal is available at https://www.tnprivatejobs.tn.gov.in. The government has invited applications for registration on this site.
In the conclusion we can say that Central Government and several other State Governments are trying their Best to help job seekers to get a good job in Government and Private Sector through their dedicated job help portals. It is up to the job seekers to visit these Government Job Portals besides Private Job Portals to search for a suitable and desirable job.